Saturday, November 5, 2011

Spinach in November

Well, the chicken cage worked.  I actually had a big harvest for once from what I planted in my garden.  From now on I'm fencing in the garden and the chickens will walk free!

Here are some pictures from today.  The Spinach is going very well, and there's still some lettuce and radishes, but the kale is still small. Oh well, when we do have it it will be all the more delicious!  I cover it with old fabrene and that seems to work even at the -13 degrees celsius we had this morning!

Now will be the real test though... We haven't had a daytime temp really in the minuses, so I'm looking forward to see how long this garden will last. 

Today I read about and their 100-foot diet challenge (it's a backyard version of the 100-mile diet).  They're from Pasadena, Ca and still grow about 60% of their produce in winter.  I would love to do that!!  And yes, I do know they have four warm seasons and we only really have one and a half... but that is the challenge for next year's garden - this year was my experiment to see how long I could grow fresh fall-sown veggies (okay we've had a loooong fall and I've been lucky that way :-} ) but next year I make a concrete goal to have fresh veggies (not just home-grown stored veggies) for the winter.  Ha - I may be dreaming but it's something to work towards...

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