Monday, July 23, 2012

Saving Seed and Garlic Harvest

I took this aft off from work, since the temp dropped enough to make it easier for me to go out - I don't like the heat.

So today I pulled our garlic - only about a hundred heads, but it was our first!

The scapes we had for a few dinners in June and I'm saving some for winter  stews (in freezer) and some for garlic scape pesto-and I gave a bag to my brother in T.O.

I had planted music and elephant garlics.  I'll save a few head of each from this harvest to plant again in November.  Oh and of course, we'll eat lots!!  I'll use some for my garlic jelly and sell maybe 10 (all I can spare)...  I'll have to get more seed garlic of course to get to my goal of 1000 heads (not next year, maybe the year after).  I'll add a few more varieties this year as well, to experiment.
some elephant garlic

Today I also harvested the spinach seed - tomorrow I'll thresh it.  Our first seed saving experiment!!  Love it!!  And spinach is a favourite in our house - spinach salad, spinach lasagna, sauteed with garlic or lemon, sauteed Asian style, blanched then served with Maggi seasoning (okay, I know Maggi is full of MSG, but it's a flavour from childhood that just has to go in some soups and on spinach!), and so on...

spinach seed
Next year I'll try saving two other seeds - oh, I suppose I have saved chive seeds in the past, but that was never a conscious I'll let this crop go to seed decision , like with the spinach (after it came up again this spring).

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